Thank you for taking this wonderful life experience happen. It was amazing to be part of such a wonderful living creation!

Paul Wade

Being in a choir for the first time since I was at school (many years ago!) was a fantastic experience. The collaboration and the new contacts I have made amongst the choir members have certainly enriched my life. Whenever the next event takes place, I am eagerly looking forward to it.

Anton Willi

Meine beste Entscheidung diesen Sommer: bei “Baselproms” mitzusingen!!! Die schöne Musik, das gemeinsame Singen, die gute Organisation, die tollen Proben, vor allem mit David. Und all die netten Leute, die ich kennen lernen durfte. Und dann natürlich das Konzert. Wirklich ein unvergessliches Erlebnis! Thank you!

Veronika Karrer-Buser

It was an incredible experience, and everything that shared music making should be: high quality, fun, thrilling, stirring, moving and joyful. It was a great privilege to sing with the chorus, and I am still buzzing, two days later. Thank you, and I do hope to be able to make music again with you all in the future.

K. Taylor

Who are we? The choir is the heart and soul of the Basel Proms project. We have members of all ages and nationalities. Many are new to choral singing, while others have decades of experience. 

What do we sing? Our diversity is reflected in our musical repertoires. We sing in English, Italian, Latin, German…and a dash of Swiss dialect. The programme for 2024 can be found here on the public Basel Proms website.

What unites us?  Friendship, fun, and our dedication to creating the best possible choral sound, are key ingredients to the Basel Proms experience. We pride ourselves upon the uniquely Basel flavour of our Proms, and look forward to sharing the stage with local artists, when we perform this November.

When do we meet? Please see the calendar page for the dates and locations of upcoming workshops and rehearsals.

We welcome experienced and less experienced singers

Do you want to improve your vocal technique under the guidance of a professional choir master and an internationally acclaimed conductor?

Or do you love to sing, but struggle to read sheet music?

We have a range of resources – including videos and mp3 recordings – to help you learn the music at your own pace. When you feel prepared, you can fully enjoy rehearsal time, and sing even complicated pieces with confidence.

The experience of performing alongside professional musicians to a packed Basel Stadtcasino – one of the world´s best concert halls – is sure to be unforgettable.

We hope you will join us on this journey.

Warm wishes from your Basel Proms team


What´s included in the Chorus fees?

  • 5 full-day workshops with David Lawrence
  • 6 evening rehearsals with Maija Geschwind
  • Refreshments
  • Printed and bound copy of music scores
  • Discounts for Basel Proms Stadtcasino tickets

CHF 195  /  CHF 175 students   >> learn more  

Your contribution helps us to remunerate the professional musicians in our orchestra, and cover expenses related to room hire, tuition, marketing and administration, travel expenses (David), event photography, and other sundry items.

We endeavour to keep the costs as low as possible for our participants. While we recognise that the fee is higher than in 2022 we hope that you agree that it still represents terrific value for money.

If you have sung with the Proms before, and the fee is beyond your means, do please have a word with Beverley to ask about our bursary.